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Add Taxonomy Terms to WordPress Posts That Contain Images and Video

If you add a lot of posts to your WordPress site, it can be a challenge to organize and categorize all of that content. TaxoPress is a plugin that can help because it allows you to automatically create taxonomy term. One example is that you can use TaxoPress to automatically add terms for posts that contain images, video and other media files. If you use Vimeo, you can easily add a “Vimeo” tag to each post with a Vimeo embed.

Find the terms you want to add

To make this work successfully, you’ll use words that are included in your post’s HTML code. You are looking for keywords you can use to trigger TaxoPress.

This screenshot below shows that what happens when clicking “Edit as HTML” for an image block. I can use “image” as a taxomomy term because it’s included in this code.

Gutenberg image block in HTML view

In the next screenshot below, we have a Vimeo video embedded in a WordPress post. If I click the “Edit as HTML” option for the block, there are several keywords we can use including “video”, “Vimeo”, and “embed”.

Gutenberg Vimeo embed block in HTML view

Let’s take a look at an example from a YouTube video. There are several keywords we can use here, including “video”, “YouTube”, and “embed”.

YouTube embed block in HTML view

The next task is to add your keywords as terms. In the image below, I’ve added both “Video” and “Vimeo” as Tags.

Tags for use with TaxoPress

Next, we’ll set up the Auto Terms feature in TaxoPress. This Auto Terms feature can scan your content and automatically assign new and existing terms.

  • Go to “TaxoPress” then “Auto Terms”.
  • Click “Edit” for one of your Auto Terms settings.
TaxoPress Auto Terms screen
  • Choose the “Taxonomy” that has the terms that you created. In the screenshot below, I’ve chosen “Tags”.
  • Choose the “Post Types” you want to run this process on. In the screenshot below, I’ve chosen “Posts”.
TaxoPress Auto Terms setting screen
  • Go to the “Sources” tab.
  • Make sure the “Existing taxonomy terms” box is checked.
  • Click “Save Auto Terms”.
TaxoPress Auto Terms setting screen for Sources

You can now test the new setup. I’m going back to the example at the beginning of this guide. When I save this post, TaxoPress will automatically scan the content and add the “Vimeo” and “Video” terms to this post. TaxoPress has found the embed code and correctly added the terms that I wanted.

TaxoPress automatic terms

TaxoPress has more advanced options for this Auto Terms feature. You can schedule Auto Terms to run hourly or daily. You can automatically add new terms that don’t exist on your site. You can also keep logs for Auto Terms changes.

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