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MetaSlider and the Astra Theme

WP Astra is one of the most popular theme in WordPress. Here is the download link on

1,000’s of users are happily using MetaSlider and WP Astra together, and this combination has official recommendations too.

In this guide, we’ll give you an introduction to using a MetaSlider slideshow together with your Astra theme.

If you’re using the “Customize” area in Astra, the best approach is to use the “Builder” feature.

  • In the image below, click the + icon for the area where you want to add your slideshow.
Using the WP Astra Customize area
  • Choose one of the “Widget” options.
A MetaSlider shortcode in WP Astra builder
  • Choose the “MetaSlider” widget option.
  • Choose your MetaSlider slideshow:
Choose your MetaSlider slideshow in WP Astra

This image below shows a MetaSlideshow in the header of the WP Astra theme. If you have any problems or questions making this work, out team will be happy to help.

A MetaSlider slideshow in the WP Astra theme