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Common Error Messages in MetaSlider

Here are solutions to some common error messages that people see in MetaSlider.

Error: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

Check your theme has a call to wp_footer.

  • Go to Appearance > Editor.
  • Select footer.php on the right.
  • Just before the closing </body> tag, ensure there is a call to wp_footer().

Check you’re only including jQuery once on the page.

  • Using Google Chrome, right click on the page and click ‘View Page Source’.
  • Search for jQuery and look for any duplicate includes. It is quite common to see an extra version of jQuery being loaded from the Google CDN.
  • Remove any duplicates from the page by disabling plugins or searching your theme files. You only want to include jQuery once.
  • Check you’re using a recent version of jQuery (1.10.2+), if not, install the jQuery Updater plugin.

Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

If you see this error then the page content has been run through a function called wpautop (WordPress Auto Paragraphs).

Common causes are plugins (e.g. Genesis Easy Columns) or the theme (e.g. Avada). To resolve this issue, try installing the Toggle wpautop plugin.